Saturday, March 21, 2009

Buffalo Short Ribs

So here is a new dish that will be on the upcoming menu. "Buffalo Short Ribs with Ancho Coffee Rub". The short ribs are nice because they only cost $3 per pound and go a long way. I started off with a rub of roasted ancho chiles, ground coffee, cumin, brown sugar, and salt. After searing the ribs in canola oil and caramelizing the rub, I added celery, carrot, onion, and tomato paste. Once the vegetables had browned nicely, I added orange juice, chipotle, molasses, beef stock, honey, and cinnamon sticks. The heat was turned to a low simmer and cooked for 5 hours until extremely tender. I removed all the meat from the pan and then strained the liquid through a fine mesh screen. The buffalo has amazing flavors that continue to build as the tender meat is tasted.

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